We See What the Mind Sees


20140218-ap03_lm 20140227-20140218-uthis02_lm

2014  / 11min Video, Photo,Water from Mekong river, Stone from Thailand, etc.
(Installation) H250×W300×D450cm

“We See What the Mind Sees” is an outcome of a workshop titled “Work in Memory”, inviting Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Thai film director, artist) and Uthis Haemamool (Thai novelist, artist) to be lecturers. This is based on his discussions with the lecturers on the places strongly connected with his memory of “supernatural”, Japan. In this work, he superimposes various movies, which show people from both Thailand and Japan talking about their memories of “supernatural” phenomenon, and some moving images that he later shot in the places related to their memories. In so doing, Hideyuki aims at connecting the interviewees’ memories with his own ones, and explores the issues concerning the “reality” of human experience: the issues of whether the past memories in one’s mind can be considered as “real”, and whether certain “objective reality” can actually exists in spite of some gaps between the different perceived worlds. Silent flow of dream-like images invites the audience to those fundamental thoughts, which we cannot avoid in our life.

日本とタイそれぞれの登場人物に記憶の中の”Supernatural”について語ってもらい、各々の記憶の場所と人物を訪れ写真と映像を撮影、話者の記憶と映像が幾重にも重なり、誰のものでもない記憶が立ち上がる。タイのアピチャッポン・ウィーラセタクン(映画監督・美術作家)とウティット・ヘーマムーン(小説家・美術作家)によるWSプロジェクト「Work in Memory」にて制作したインスタレーション作品。